Monday, November 28, 2011

Marbled Catsharks

Marbled Catsharks

       Marbled catsharks have their habitats in shallow water and in coral. They eat squid, shrimp, and small fish. They are nocturnal-this means they are awake and eat at night.
       Their size is two feet as an adult and are four inches when born. They are spotted.

Holly's Poems

Holly's Poems

The Horses
The Tennessee Walking Horses
Ran through the courses
Jumped in the coop
And wanted more courses

Where Horses Eat

Horses eat in stables
They do not eat at tables

The Collie
The collie of Holly
Went to see Rolly
It rode in a car
That drove on the tar
And met another collie

Facts About the Tiger Shark

Facts About The Tiger Shark

By Miles

       Tiger sharks live in tropical coastal waters below 3,000 feet. They will eat about anything they can find. These are some things that they will eat: fish, sharks, rays, turtles, mammels, crabs, lobsters, squid, sea snakes, sea birds, and jellyfish.
       Tiger sharks can get up to 20 feet long. They can weigh up to 1,400 pounds. When born, they weight 85 pounds. They can grow older than 50 years.
       Tiger sharkes are thought to be sluggish swimmers, but can have rapid
bursts of speed. They migrate.


Poems written by Miles

My Dream
I fell asleep on my bed,
I dreamed that I was dead.
My dream had no meaning,
I'm glad I was dreaming,
And didn't fall out of my bed.

black brown,
running through deserts,
viscous as can be,

Candy Candy in your face!
Candy Candy every place!
Yummy Yummy,
In my Tummy!
Candy every place!


Written by Noelle

My Dogs
My dogs are my best friends
And wolves that live in dens

Walking Horses
One day some horses were walking
The next day they were talking
I thought I was crazy
But actually I was dazy
Then the horses started stalking



Written by Makayla

A horse is my favorite animal
Scientists say it's a mammal
I do not care
For she is a mare
It's better than owning a camel

I wish I had a mammal
My favorite is the camel

Different colors
In the jungle
Some have colorful beaks

Haiku Poem

Written by Ben


Benjamin is cool
He likes legos and ice cream
He likes to eat too


Written by Taylor

I love a wolf who runs real fast
My favorite one is Jacob Black

Prince Charming
I met my prince charming last night
He truly was quite a sight
We danced all night long
While hearing our song
I hope he thought I looked alright

Loving caring
Sweet and kind
Love will never die


Written by Krista

Bubble Gum
I went to the store today
I saw some bubble gum on display
I bought it with money it tasted funny so
Then I threw it away

There was
Once a witch
With green
Skin and warts
She was never
Good at sports

Queastions to Bunny

Oh bunny oh bunny why
Are you so chubby, why are you
So cute and funny, why are you
So hoppy, why are you so fluffy,
Oh bunny oh bunny


By: Noelle
       Hammerhead sharks can get pretty big. They can weigh up to 1,000 pounds. There are many species of hammerhead sharks. They can live up to 20-30 years.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


By: Taylor

It's not a food
It's not a drink
It's not a toilet
It's not a sink
It's not something used to
Brush your teeth
It's gum
God did not make it
But He made man
Who thought of it
And made us glad :)
Do not swallow
Only chew
It will help your breath
And its something to do
Chew all day
Chew all night
Try new flavors
You just might like
But even chewing in fog
Always make time for God

Velvet Belly Lantern Shark

Velvet Belly Lantern Shark
Written by: Holly

The Velvet Belly Lantern shark lives in deep waters in the North Eastern Atlantic Ocean. It lives very close to the bottom of the ocean in depths between 500­ and 1,500 feet! However, it has been found at depths of 7,000 feet – that is more than a mile down! Because of how deep it lives, it makes it extremely hard for predators living above to find it.
The Velvet Belly Lantern shark eats lots of small things. It eats squids, other smaller sharks, crustaceans, and bony fish. It eats a lot more than what I listed.
It is very rare for it to be over 2 feet long. It weighs about 2 pounds.
The Velvet Belly Lantern shark does not migrate back and forth like others sharks. However, it migrates vertically to reach the top sometimes. That’s why humans have not discovered a lot about it.
The Velvet Belly Lantern shark is one of the glow-in-the-dark sharks. It is a very neat shark. Like its name, its belly is black like velvet and really does glow because it produces organs that light up its belly. Its belly makes blue and green light that is visible from 9-12 feet away. It has large eyes that are extremely bright and glow brightly in the ocean. On its skin are glowing spots that are called photophores (FOH-tuh-fors). They are all over its body.
Now you know a little bit about the Velvet Belly Lantern shark. Do you know why I chose this shark? It glows. That is why I like it. Do you want to learn more about it?